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Statements of Income

Fact Book 2024 (169KB)

(Millions of Yen)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Net sales 42,443 38,668 41,852 52,892 62,126
Cost of sales 27,724 25,255 27,849 34,935 40,132
Gross profit 14,719 13,412 14,003 17,957 21,994
Selling,general and administrative expenses 10,976 10,839 12,034 13,590 15,408
Operating profit 3,742 2,572 1,968 4,366 6,585
Non-operating income 304 316 419 346 383
Interest income 22 17 53 21 46
Dividends income 153 81 95 128 158
Subsidy income 36 25 4 67 51
Foreign exchange gains - 120 184 44 56
Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 44 - - - -
Other 47 71 82 83 71
Non-operating expenses 113 48 66 48 49
Interest expense 10 26 40 34 25
Loss on investments in investment partnerships - 7 - - -
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts 0 - - - -
Foreign exchange losses 84 - - - -
Commission fee 9 8 8 8 8
Other 8 5 16 4 14
Ordinary Profit 3,933 2,840 2,322 4,664 6,919
Extraordinary income - 17 399 20 6
Extraordinary losses 13 17 10 14 9
Income before income taxes and minority interests 3,920 2,840 2,711 4,670 6,916
Income taxes-current 1,016 896 946 1,381 1,942
Income taxes-deferred 85 -17 -145 -46 -4
Profit 2,818 1,961 1,910 3,336 4,978
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests - - 4 5 9
Profit attributable to owners of parent 2,818 1,961 1,905 3,330 4,969
  • *1 The Financial Statements have been compiled based on the items disclosed in the Summary of Financial Results for each report period, and the items presented have been based on the most recent Summary of Financial Results. Therefore, the items presented in the form of a bar (“-“) may be included under the category "Other."
  • *2 The Partial Amendments to the Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting (ASBJ Statement No. 28, February 16, 2018) was applied from the beginning of FY2018.
  • *3 Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020) was applied from the beginning of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022