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Statements of Cash Flows

Fact Book 2024 (169KB)

(Millions of Yen)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Cash flows from operating activities
Income before income taxes and minority interests 3,920 2,840 2,711 4,670 6,916
Depreciation 912 1,061 1,298 1,339 1,520
Impairment loss - 1 - - -
Amortization of goodwill 63 62 99 123 198
Increase(decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts -50 7 -52 13 21
Increase (decrease) in provision for directors' bonuses 3 0 -7 3 0
Increase(decrease) in provision for directors' retirement benefits - - - - -1
Increase (decrease) in provision for Executive share benefits (and other officers) 24 89 18 15 89
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability -5 9 20 -2 20
Interest and dividends income -175 -99 -148 -150 -205
Interest expenses 10 26 40 34 25
Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable - trade 3,381 2,661 389 -3,202 -1,492
Decrease (increase) in inventories -645 -299 -2,388 -3,138 -1,624
Increase(decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade -778 -2,000 545 2,159 -1,140
Other -489 -554 97 993 -458
Subtotal 6,172 3,806 2,624 2,861 3,872
Interest and dividends income recieved 197 98 197 201 292
Interest expenses paid -8 -26 -41 -34 -26
Income taxes (paid) refund -1,490 -836 -761 -1,112 -1,400
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 4,870 3,041 2,018 1,916 2,738
Cash flows from investing activities
Net decrease (increase) in trust beneficiary right 101 315 -65 -215 249
Purchases of property,plant and equipment and intangible assets -1,765 -1,711 -680 -969 -2,240
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1 10 5 16 12
Purchases of investment securities -280 -70 - - -
Proceeds from sales and redemptions of investments securities 0 14 643 107 -
Payments for acquisition of businesses - - - - -1,800
Payments for investments in capital - -593 - - -
Payments of loans receivable -0 - - - -
Collection of loans receivable 0 0 0 - -
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation - - -846 - -
Other - - 10 - -0
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -1,942 -2,034 -932 -1,061 -3,778
Cash flows from financing activities
Cash dividends paid -1,562 -1,288 -1,346 -1,484 -1,539
Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings 234 -99 -152 - 5,000
Proceeds from long-term loans payable 471 - - - -
Repayment of long-term loans payble -30 -53 -76 -91 -97
Purchase of treasury shares -0 -0 -1,066 -1,294 -0
Proceeds from disposal of treasury shares 0 - - 188 -
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries not resulting in change in scope of consolidation - - - - -333
Other -44 -60 -188 -215 -230
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities -931 -1,503 -2,830 -2,898 2,798
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents -146 277 600 183 736
Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,850 -218 -1,144 -1,859 2,495
Cash and cash equivanents and beginning of year 14,929 16,779 17,301 16,157 14,298
Cash and cash equivanents of newly consolidated subsidiaries(Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger with unconsolidated subsidiaries) - 740 - - -
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period
16,779 17,301 16,157 14,298 16,793
  • * The Financial Statements have been compiled based on the items disclosed in the Summary of Financial Results for each report period, and the items presented have been based on the most recent Summary of Financial Results. Therefore, the items presented in the form of a bar (“-“) may be included under the category "Other."