ESPEC Quality is more than a word


ESG Data

ESG Data(40KB)


■Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
SCOPE 1 t-CO2e 3,433 3,222 3,293 3,576 3,622
SCOPE 2 Market-based t-CO2e 10,635 8,365 4,248 3,717 4,285
Location-based t-CO2e 12,233 11,072 11,895 11,541 13,138

1 Purchased goods and services

t-CO2e 70,564 62,057 71,871 107,925 117,497

2 Capital goods

t-CO2e 3,135 7,011 2,183 3,173 4,813

3 Fuel- and energy-related activities (except for SCOPE 1 and 2)

t-CO2e 3,187 1,968 2,126 2,058 2,211

4 Upstream transportation and distribution

t-CO2e 285 238 395 506 461

5 Waste generated in operations

t-CO2e 23 21 28 22 151

6 Business travel

t-CO2e 418 269 255 609 626

7 Employee commuting

t-CO2e 1,175 1,423 1,459 1,518 1,563

8 Upstream leased assets

t-CO2e - - - - -

9 Downstream transportation and distribution

t-CO2e 698 634 450 537 552

10 Processing of sold products

t-CO2e - - - - -

11 Use of sold products

t-CO2e 717,510 487,594 763,645 943,317 881,030

12 End-of-life treatment of sold products

t-CO2e 2,266 32,741 33,448 31,947 31,520

13 Downstream leased assets

t-CO2e - - - - -

14 Franchises

t-CO2e - - - - -

15 Investments

t-CO2e - - - - -
SCOPE 3 total t-CO2e 799,261 593,958 875,859 1,091,612 1,040,425
SCOPE 1, 2, 3 total t-CO2e 813,329 605,544 883,400 1,098,905 1,048,332
  • * Excluding COSMOPIA HIGHTECH CORP., which has been consolidated from August 2023.

■The Amounts of Energy Used (Consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Gasoline kℓ 615 519 528 555 540
Kerosene kℓ - - - 0 0
Diesel fuel kℓ 26 39 7 7 6
LPG t 1 1 0 0 0
City gas 1,000N㎥ 132 127 110 90 73
Natural gas 1,000N㎥ 157 166 163 167 147
Electricity 1,000kWh 24,792 23,112 25,414 24,913 27,987
Amount of the above obtained from renewable energy (including in-house solar power generation, Renewable Energy Certificate power, and the Renewable Energy Power Menu) 1,000kWh 694 4,374 17,717 18,124 20,266
  • * Excluding COSMOPIA HIGHTECH CORP., which has been consolidated from August 2023.

■Breakdown of Electricity Use (Consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Purchased electrical power 1,000kWh 24,687 23,020 25,334 24,824 27,934
Amount of the above obtained from renewable energy (including Renewable Energy Certificate power, and the Renewable Energy Power Menu) 1,000kWh 590 4,282 17,636 18,035 20,213
Private power generation (solar power generation) 1,000kWh 111 99 84 94 60
Power used 1,000kWh 24,792 23,112 25,414 24,913 27,987
Amount of the above obtained from renewable energy (including in-house solar power generation, Renewable Energy Certificate power, and the Renewable Energy Power Menu) 1,000kWh 694 4,374 17,717 18,124 20,266
  • * Excluding COSMOPIA HIGHTECH CORP., which has been consolidated from August 2023.

■The Amounts of Water Used (Consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Water usage Japan 1,000㎥ 75 53 51 64 74
Overseas 1,000㎥ 28 28 27 28 25
Total 1,000㎥ 103 81 78 92 99
Figures per unit of sales ㎥/million yen 2.42 2.09 1.85 1.73 1.59
  • * Excluding COSMOPIA HIGHTECH CORP., which has been consolidated from August 2023.

■Total Amount of Discharge (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Total amount of discharge t 688 657 647 701 819
Wastes t 275 248 261 242 310
Valuables t 413 408 386 459 510

■Collected Quantity of Fluorocarbon (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Single fiscal year kg 4,523 3,668 3,208 3,695 3,471
Cumulative kg 69,400 73,068 76,276 79,971 83,442

■Environmental Data

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Number of participants in ESPEC Midori-no-gakko schools (ESPEC Green Schools) Persons 1,276 Events cancelled due to spread of COVID-19 88 229 225
Number of seedlings provided for green curtains (non-conslidated) Seedlings 4,491 7,921 6,405 4,299 3,840
Certification acquisition rate for the Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test) (non-conslidated)
Managers % 100 99 100 100 100
Staffs % 85 84 83 84 81
Grants from the ESPEC Foundation for Earth Environment Research and Technologies
Cumulative Cases 261 273 291 309 327
Grant amount 10 thousand yen 955 571 900 900 850
Cumulative grant amount 10 thousand yen 13,269 13,840 14,740 15,640 16,490
Number of trees planted through environmental conservation business Trees 57,494 45,877 53,132 80,650 60,314


■Number of Employees*

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Consolidated Consolidated total Persons 1,512 1,526 1,628 1,691 1,775
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries Persons 857 850 901 906 982
Overseas consolidated subsidiaries Persons 655 676 727 785 793
Non-consolidated Non-consolidated total Persons 786 780 770 778 790
Male Persons 673 658 643 636 633
Male ratio % 85.6 84.4 83.5 81.7 80.1
Female Persons 113 122 127 142 157
Female ratio % 14.4 15.6 16.5 18.3 19.9
  • * The number of employees is as of the end of each fiscal year.

■Employee Data(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Average years of service
Total Years 17.4 19.2 19.1 17.2 17.0
Male Years 18.2 20.1 20.1 18.2 18.1
Female Years 12.8 13.8 14.0 12.5 12.6
Average age
Total Years old 41.2 43.1 43.0 41.2 41.4
Male Years old 41.8 43.8 43.8 41.8 42.1
Female Years old 37.7 38.7 39.0 38.5 38.8
Number of staff leaving* Persons 19 18 12 11 26
Turnover rate* % 2.4 2.3 1.6 1.4 3.3
Total number of new graduates hired Persons 24 27 24 21 20
Average overtime hours Hours 21.2 11.0 15.5 22.6 20.1
Average number of paid holidays actually taken % 73.4 65.8 69.1 75.1 74.3
  • * Retirees are excluded.

■Diversity Data(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Female directors (including executive officers)*1
Total number of directors (including executive officers)*1 Persons 16 16 16 14 14
Female directors (including executive officers)*1 Persons 1 1 2 2 2
Ratio of female directors (including executive officers)*1 % 6.3 6.3 12.5 14.3 14.3
Female managers Total number of managers Persons 88 86 85 83 86
Number of female managers*2 Persons 4 4 4 5 6
Ratio of female managers % 4.5 4.7 4.7 6.0 7.0
Female new graduate hired Number of female new graduates hired*2 Persons 7 11 6 6 8
Ratio of female new graduates hired % 29.2 40.7 25.0 28.6 40.0
Average wage difference between male and female % - - - 70.3 72.5
Number of reemployed retired workers Persons 22 22 26 25 16
Number of non-Japanese employees Number of non-Japanese employees hired at regular recruitment Persons 0 0 3 3 3
Ratio of non-Japanese employees at regular recruitment % 0.0 0.0 12.5 14.3 10.0
Number of employees with disabilities Number of employees with disabilities*3 Persons 15 14 16 16 16
Percentage of employees with disabilities % 2.2 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.4
  • *1 The number of female directors (including executive officers) is as of the end of June of each fiscal year.
  • *2 The numbers of female managers and female new graduates hired are as of the beginning of each fiscal year.
  • *3 The number of employees with disabilities is as of the end of each fiscal year.

■Utilization of Childcare Leaves and Reduced Working Hours Systems(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Number of employees who started using taking childcare leaves Persons 1 10 7 11 9
Ratio of employees taking childcare leaves
Male % 7.0 12.5 30.8 13.3 52.9
Female % None 100 100 100 100
Number of employees who started using reduced working hours system Persons 8 3 7 5 4

■Utilization Results of Self-Development Education Support System(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Self-development education courses Persons 321 324 337 318 228
Correspondence course Persons 152 185 171 160 141
Recommended qualifications Persons 86 63 78 78 294
Foreign language study Persons 41 23 20 16 120
Number of students enrolled in on-demand video learning services Persons - - - 438 581
Course hours for on-demand video learning service Hours - - - 3,780 4,295

■Utilization Results of Executive Development Program(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
University Diploma Courses Persons 5 5 5 5 4

■Utilization Results of Global Trainee Program(overseas training system)(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Number of employees utilizing the Program Persons 5 0 0 2 1

■Number of ROUNDUP Workshop Participants (Non-consolidated) *

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Number of partipicants Persons 317 351 343 856 485
  • * The workshop designed to promote understanding and penetration of our corporate philosophy.

■Occupational Health and Safety(Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Occupational accident (excluding cases without lost workdays) Cases 1 0 2 0 1
Frequency rate (number of accidents with sick leave/total number of worked hours×million hours) 0.62 0 1.34 0 0.55
Percentage of health checkups % 100 100 100 100 100
Personal injury by car, motorcycle or bicycle Cases 3 3 1 0 1
At-fault accidents by car or motorcycle Cases 12 19 11 11 13


■Board of Directors (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Composition of Board of Directors
Total Persons 8 8 8 10 10
Independent outside Persons 2 2 2 4 4
Ratio of independent outside % 25 25 25 40 40
Female Persons 0 0 0 2 2
Female ratio % 0 0 0 20 20
Number of meetings Times 13 13 13 13 13
Attendance rates % 98.7 100 100 100 99.2
  • * The Company has transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2022.

■Audit & Supervisory Board (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Composition of Audit & Supervisory Board
Total Persons 4 4 4 - -
Independent outside Persons 2 3 3 - -
Ratio of independent outside % 50 75 75 - -
Female Persons 0 0 1 - -
Female ratio % 0 0 25 - -
Number of meetings Times 13 13 14 3 -
Attendance rates % 94.2 100 100 100 -
  • * The Company has transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2022.

■Audit & Supervisory Committee (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Composition of Audit & Supervisory Board
Total Persons - - - 3 3
Independent outside Persons - - - 2 2
Ratio of independent outside % - - - 67 67
Female Persons - - - 1 1
Female ratio % - - - 33 33
Number of meetings Times - - - 10 10
Attendance rates % - - - 100 100
  • * The Company has transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2022.

■Voluntary Committee(s) Equivalent to Nomination Committee or Remuneration Committee (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Voluntary Establishment of Committee(s) equivalent to Nomination Committee or Remuneration Committee Established Established Established Established Established
Composition of Nomination and Compensation Committee*
Total Persons 3 3 5 5 5
Committee chairperson - Inside director Inside director Outside director Outside director Outside director
Independent outside Persons 2 2 3 3 3
Ratio of independent outside % 67 67 60 60 60
Number of meetings Times 2 5 4 2 2
Attendance rates % 100 100 100 100 100
  • * The Company changed the name of the Personnel Advisory Committee, a voluntary body that deliberates on director appointments and compensation, to the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee in March 2021, and changed to the Nomination and Compensation Committee in March 2022.

■Compensation (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Compensation of directors(Excluding directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) Total compensation of directors Million yen 183 235 185 188 234
Outside Million yen 12 12 12 12 13
Compensation of directors(Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) Total Million yen - - - 22 33
Outside Million yen - - - 9 13
Compensation of auditors Total compensation of auditors Million yen 50 34 36 9 -
Outside Million yen 12 16 18 4 -
Total Total Million yen 233 269 221 219 267
Total compensation of outside Million yen 24 28 30 25 27
  • * The Company has transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2022.
    The above includes four directors (including one outside director) and four Audit & Supervisory Board members (including three outside Audit & Supervisory Board members) who retired at the conclusion of the 69th Ordinary General Meeting ofShareholders as their terms of office hadended. Of these, three Audit & Supervisory Board members (including two outside Audit & Supervisory Board members) were newlyappointed as directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members after retiring as Audit & Supervisory Board members at the conclusion of the 69th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Accordingly, in presenting the compensation of recipients for these officers, the portion for their time as Audit & Supervisory Board members is included in Audit & Supervisory Board members and the portion for their time as directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members in Directors (Audit &supervisory committee member).

■Compliance (Non-consolidated)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Unit 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Total number of reports to the internal hotlines Cases 0 0 0 0 1
Number of compliance issues Cases 2 2 1 3 2