ESPEC Quality is more than a word


Contribution to Society

Communication with Society

Establishment of the “ESPEC Smile Club” Employee Participation-based Donation System

espec smile club

In December 2020, as an aspect of our SDGs promotion activities, we established the “ESPEC Smile Club,” a matching gift system* where the company adds donations to employee donations. With the goal of contributing to the achievement of the SDGs, the “ESPEC Smile Club” is an initiative in which employees and the company work together to support organizations working to solve social issues related to children and medical care.
In April 2024, "ESPEC Smile Club" donated a total of 893,400 yen to Save the Children Japan’s “Emergency Relief for the Gaza Strip” and “Emergency Child Support for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” programs.

* This is a mechanism whereby, when a company solicits donations or contributions for the purpose of contributing to society, the company contributes to each donation by adding a certain amount or a certain percentage of the amount received.

Received the Golden Order of Merit from the Japanese Red Cross Society

We received the Golden Order of Merit from the Japanese Red Cross Society at the 2023 Osaka Prefecture Red Cross Congress held in November. The Golden Order of Merit is awarded to individuals and corporations that have donated more than a certain amount toward funding the activities of the Japanese Red Cross Society.

Donation for Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief

We donated 1,663,500 yen (including donations from ESPEC Group companies, directors and employees) to the Osaka branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society to be used for relief and recovery efforts in the areas affected by earthquake in Noto Peninsula on January 1, 2024. In April 2024, we donated a total of 446,700 yen to “Emergency Child Support for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” by Save the Children Japan through the matching gift program “ESPEC Smile Club.”

Donation for the Gaza Strip

In April 2024, we donated a total of 446,700 yen to “Emergency Relief for the Gaza Strip” by Save the Children Japan through the matching gift program “ESPEC Smile Club” to be used for humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Aid Donations to Areas Affected by the Libyan Floods

Adding donations from ESPEC Group companies, executives, and employees to our own, we donated a total of 735,500 yen to the Osaka branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society to aid relief efforts and reconstruction assistance in areas affected by the Libyan floods that occurred in September 2023.

Support for Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Efforts

In March 2023, we donated 1,191,600 yen (including donations from ESPEC Group companies, directors, and employees) to the Osaka branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society to be used for relief and recovery efforts in the areas affected by earthquake in Turkey and Syria on February 6.

Donating disaster relief funds to Japanese Red Cross Society

Received a letter of gratitude for making a donation to Fukuchiyama, Kyoto

In March 2022, we utilized the corporate version of the Hometown Tax System to contribute 10 million yen to Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture, where the ESPEC mother plant is located, in order to help enhance their disaster prevention measures and firefighting and emergency response systems. The donation has been utilized to purchase high-spec ambulances that can provide advanced emergency medical care and other relevant equipment. In February 2023, we received a letter of gratitude from the mayor of Fukuchiyama for the donation.

Ceremony to receive the letter of gratitude held at Fukuchiyama Plant

Donating vegetables harvested from ESPEC Smile Farm, operated by persons with disabilities, to cafeterias for local children

We regularly donate vegetables harvested from ESPEC Smile Farm, which is operated by persons with disabilities, to cafeterias for local children in Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture, where the farm is located. The donated vegetables are used as ingredients for meals that are provided for free to children.

Sponsored a balloon launch project by university students through pre-launch performance testing at a laboratory testing service site

We sponsored the Ehime Nanyo Joint Balloon Experiment conducted by university students at the Ehime Space Festival in Nanyo, an event hosted by Ehime Prefecture in September 2022. In the Ehime Nanyo Joint Balloon Experiment, student groups from all over Japan launch small balloons into the stratosphere to perform various experiments. ESPEC sponsored three student groups by conducting performance tests on the batteries and electronic devices to be mounted on their balloons at one of our laboratory testing service sites.

Conservation of biodiverse grassland where rare plants survive

Since 2020, ESPEC MIC has been working with the civic action group, Suzusaiko Association for Love of Nature in Hometown, to regenerate and conserve species-rich grassland that once disappeared due to river improvement work. On the banks of the Shingose River, which flows through Inuyama City in Aichi Prefecture, there is a semi-natural grassland that is home to a wide range of native plant species, including the endangered Cynanchum paniculatum (suzusaiko). To conserve this rich grassland, ESPEC MIC held an event to weed the area with local people in June 2022, and then in November, an event to plant young native grasses that the company had grown from seeds collected from the surrounding grassland. In recognition of these efforts, ESPEC MIC was certified as an Aichi Biodiversity Company by Aichi Prefecture in October 2022.

Planting event held in Inuyama, Aichi

あいち生物多様性 認証企業