ESPEC Quality is more than a word


Online Diagnostics Service

Before sending your backtrace data

* The data should include the following three:

Data File names
1. Backtrace data BTyyyymmdd_hr mm sec_t.btd
2. Control setting, maker maintenance information BTyyyymmdd_hr mm sec_c.bts
3. Operation setting information (constant value, program setting) BTyyyymmdd_hr mm sec_p.bts

Confirm the alarm date & time

The date and time of alarm occurrence are recorded in the name of the data file.
Please confirm that it matches the date and time of the trouble. If the date and time do not match, it is assumed that [Resume Recording] button was not selected after the previous Alarm event.
In this case, select [Chamber Setup] screen → [Configuration] screen → [Set Option] screen → [Set Trace Back], and select [Resume Recording].

Send the "Operation setting information (constant value, program setting)" Data

The Operation Setting Information stores all the programs set to the equipment.
In case the "Operation setting information" is classified information of your company and cannot be provided to ESPEC, please provide the remaining two data items.

The Diagnosis Report based on the received information shall be shared among all the concerned parties including our distributors for immediate recovery.
Please select "Agree" if you agree to these terms or "Disagree" if you do not agree to these terms.
If you do not agree to these terms, we cannot provide this service.

Please select the appropriate option or enter required items.

Customer Information

Name (Required)
Company/Organization (Required)
e-mail address (Required)
e-mail address (for verification) (Required)
Phone number (Required)
Supplier's name
Model (Required)
Country (Required)

Information on Product Use

* Please provide precise information to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Do the date & time of alarm occurrence recorded in the data file match the date & time of the failure?

* Please fill in time, when you differ.

If two or more Alarm were triggered, please write the Alarm names.
Have you taken the procedures shown on the Alarm Screen of the instrumentation?
(Refer to 6.1 of Basic Guide of the Operation Manual.)


If you have any comments, please write them in the field below.

Select the backtrace data

* Please click [Browse] and select the file you want to attach.

  1. Backrtrace data <Extension_t.btd File> (required)
  2. Control setting information etc. <Extension_c.bts File> (required)
  3. Operation setting information. "program setting etc." <Extension_p.bts File>

I agree to the Privacy Policy and Using our Website.(Required)

* This inquiry form is protected by the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which encrypts personal and other information before transmission. Note that you may not be able to use this form if your browser does not support SSL.