Wire Materials for Millimeter
Wave-Compatible Boards

To Customers Developing Wire Materials for Millimeter Wave-Compatible Boards

In 5th generation mobile communications systems (5G), the demand for circuit boards with low transmission loss that
support millimeter wavebands is increasing.
Various technologies are being developed to reduce transmission losses,
and reliability evaluations are required for these technologies.
ESPEC provides optimal temperature chambers for evaluations and measurement systems that
deliver energy savings and contribute to automation.

Test Systems

Electrical Conduction Reliability Evaluation Test System

Changes in the construction and materials of board wire materials are required to send large amounts of data at high speed in 5G. In electrical conduction reliability evaluations required by changing board wire materials, development and evaluation times can be reduced by making tests more efficient, such as through multi-channel simultaneous measurements, automation, and performing coordinated operation with the temperature chamber.

  • Electrical Conduction Reliability Evaluation Systems (Electro-Migration Evaluation Systems)
    • Performs evaluations by accelerating electrical conduction failures due to thermal warping with the application of a constant current under high temperature and measuring the change in resistance.
    • Saves labor by automatically displaying graphs using the analysis software.
    • Applies stress current to specimens by working in conjunction with the temperature chamber and measures resistance.
    • Saves labor in tests by simultaneously measuring a maximum of 240 channels.
    Model AEM
    Number of measurement channels maximum of 240 channels
    Stress current source
    output range
    * Contact ESPEC regarding the current range.
    Supported ESPEC
    temperature chambers
    AEM dedicated high-accuracy temperature chamber
    (Temperature range +65 to +350°C)
  • Electrical Conduction Reliability Evaluation Systems (Conductor Resistance Evaluation System)
    • Evaluates electrical conduction failures by accelerating repeated thermal expansion and contraction with rapid temperatures changes and measuring the change in resistance.
    • Automates failure judgments, such as due to cracks, with the continuous resistance measurement and judgment function during testing.
    • Saves labor by simultaneously monitoring and recording temperature in conjunction with the environmental test chamber.
    • Saves labor in tests by simultaneously measuring a maximum of 280 channels.
    Model AMR-U
    Number of measurement channels 280 channels/rack maximum
    Current application method Direct electric current measurement method
    Resistance measurement range 1×103〜1×106Ω
    Supported ESPEC
    temperature chambers
    Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers TSA Series
    Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers TSD Series
    Rapid-Rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC
  • Optimal Chambers for Electrical Conduction Reliability Evaluations

    <Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers Fixed test area type>

    • A static test area for easy specimen accessibility.
    • A rich lineup that allows you to select a chamber size according to the number and size of specimens.
    • A door notch (option) is available that can help simplify the work to wire specimens.

    <Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers Elevator type>

    • A test area with an elevator mechanism that is a perfect fit for Japanese and international standards, such as MIL, IEC, and JASO.
    • A rich lineup that allows you to select a chamber size according to the number and size of specimens.
    • Simplifies wiring with a cable port installed on the right side of the chamber.

    <Rapid-Rate Thermal Cycle Chamber>

    • Supports rapid temperature change tests with a temperature rate of change of a maximum of 23°C/min.
    • Dual-side wiring for greater efficiency.
    • Internal chamber temperature differences are minimized to evenly apply temperature load to specimens.
    Product name Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers Fixed test area type Air to Air Thermal Shock Chambers Elevator type Rapid-Rate Thermal Cycle Chamber
    Model TSA TSD/TSE TCC-151-W
    Product appearance
    Inside capacity 40~300L 10~300L 160L
    Temperature range

    EL type
    High temperature side ambient temperature +50 to 200°C
    Low temperature side -65 to 0°C

    ES / EH type
    High temperature side +70 to 200°C
    Low temperature side -70 to 0°C

    High temperature side +60 to 205°C
    High temperature side +60 to 205°C