Dynamic Environments
for sensing devices


ESPEC All Weather Simulation Chamber creates realistic weather condition on earth.
Helping solve cutting-edge technology challenges with Environmental Creation Technology

In addition to all weather conditions (temperature, humidity, snow, rain, solar, fog, and wind), our laboratory can simulate dynamic environments*. It can simulate complex weather environments such as snow, rain, or fog coupled with desired temperature and light conditions. It can also simulate realistic environments such as sleet turning to snow, or rain tapering off into fog. This system helps to resolve challenges with cutting-edge technology that is susceptible to changes in weather environments in areas such as the mobility and next-generation communications markets. It also helps resolve social challenges in disaster and crime prevention, and the agriculture market.

* Dynamic environment: A weather environment that is constantly changing


Welcome to a 360° virtual tour of the
All Weather Simulation Chamber

ESPEC is your expert for environmental simulation for every aspect of cutting edge of automotive technology, testing, development and inspection.